OpenSCAD GEB-Inspired Block

OpenSCAD GEB-Inspired Block

2015, Dec 11    

This is a block that I made with OpenSCAD, a code-based 3D solid modeler. The block is two words - love and hate - on different sides of the block such that you can only read one from any given side. The first version I made was in Rhino and promptly lost to a spontaneous system wipe. The new version is all parametric, woo~

ABC XYZ block Block with dual words

OpenSCAD uses a set of primitive shapes (cubes, spheres) and boolean operations (union, difference, intersection) in order to make a complex shape. For this model, OpenSCAD has an additional font primitive which this model takes advantage of. It is the intersection of “LOVE” and “HATE” rotated about the same axes. The basic code is below:

font = "Consolas:style=Bold";

intersection() {
    rotate(90, [1, 0, 0])   linear_extrude(height=1) text("LOVE", font = font, size = 1, spacing=.7);
    translate ([0,-1, 0])   linear_extrude(height=1) text("HATE", font = font, size = 1, spacing=.7);

It was inspired by the Godel Escher Bach book cover, which is a book written a little too much in a Malcolm Gladwell-esque style for me to read past the first few pages. Maybe one day I will go read it and not have this opinion.

Godel Escher BachGodel Escher Bach Cover (Source)

You can find all my strange OpenSCAD projects on my Github repo.